Full-Stack Web Developer

Lee Morgan

Professional Summary

Professional web developer skilled in creating websites from the ground up. Able to quickly learn any language/framework to satisfy demands of clients. Experience in all parts of web development, including, but not limited to: design, frontend development, backend development, database design and Linux server management. Special proficiency with JavaScript, including the creation of ultra fast frontend single-page applications without bloated frameworks.

Work Experience



March 1, 2024 - present
  • Created/maintained back-end/API of web application with Node.js
  • Created front-end application based on native web components
  • MongoDB database management
  • Linux VPS management
  • API integratation with third-party services (i.e. Mailgun and Jitsi Meet)



April 1, 2023 - May 31, 2024
  • Graded student assignment submissions across multiple web development topics
  • Developed assignment plagiarism detection platform for use by all graders
  • Developed multiple tools to assist other graders on the 2U platform

Teachers Assistance


December 6, 2022 - March 31, 2023
  • Assisted teachers in management of over 100 students
  • Led study groups of 10 to 20 students
  • Assisted students in learning the basics of web development
  • Taught students HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and more

Full-Stack Developer


July 9, 2021 - Present
  • Responsible for the management of the entire codebase
  • Responsible for ensuring that requirements are delivered in a timely manner
  • Responsible for testing and maintaining the reliability of the codebase
  • Created and maintained the entire backend of the website
  • Set up and maintained the Linux servers that host the website
  • Set up and maintained and created queries for the MongoDB server
  • Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Linux, MongoDB, web API's

Full-Stack Developer

The Subline

August 2019 - November 2021
  • Responsible for developing a single-page app for the fronted using JavaScript
  • Created the web server and all logic for serving data to clients in JavaScript/Node.js
  • Integrated the application with sever web API's for increased app functionality
  • Responsible for setting up, maintaining and creating queries to the MongoDB server
  • Set up and maintained the live web server on a Linux Ubuntu server
  • Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Linux, MongoDB, web API's
  • Responsible for design of the frontend of the app

Infantry Rifleman

United States Marine Corps

June 2008 - December 2012
  • Responsible for organizing combat operations as team/squad leader
  • Mentored and guided junior Marines
  • Responsibile for using/maintaining many different systems, including weapons, radios, vehicles and more
  • Lead Marines in combat operations


  • JavaScript/Node.js
  • Vue
  • Svelte
  • MongoDB
  • JSON
  • Linux
  • Server administration


Dexter Regional High School

August 2004 - May 2008
High School Diploma

Coding Dojo Seattle

June 2019 - August 2019

Coastal Carolina University

August 2014 - December 2015
Computer Science (uncompleted)

TEFL Certification

October 2018